There are three different abortion procedures. The different types of abortions are based on the gestation period of the baby in the womb.
Below is an explanation of the different abortion procedures.
1. Medical Abortion (Abortion Pill)
A medical abortion, or more known as the abortion pill, requires a woman to take two different pills – the first stops the pregnancy from developing and the second triggers the uterus to empty, which will begin within 1-4 hours after taking the second pill.
For additional information on the abortion pill, you can click here to learn more about:
- the risks of the abortion pill
- what to expect during the abortion
- when it is available, and more.
You can learn more about the abortion pill below:
2. Vacuum Aspiration
Vacuum aspiration is a type of surgical abortion that involves suction to remove the baby from the uterus.
It involves the use of thin rods called dilators to open the cervix, then insert a tube into the uterus. Then, they use either a manual or mechanical suction device to empty the uterus.
3. Dilation & Evacuation
This is the type of abortion that is typically used during the second trimester.
During this procedure, a doctor typically gives the woman anesthetic prior to the dilation and evacuation. They will use dilators to open the cervix and then they enter the uterus with forceps and remove pieces of the baby.
It is falsely shared with the public that it is just pregnancy tissue that is removed, however, the baby is whole and as the doctor removes pieces of the baby they will put the pieces together on the table to ensure they remove the whole baby. If pieces of the baby remain in a woman’s uterus after dilation and evacuation it can cause serious health issues, including the death of the woman receiving the procedure if it is not addressed.
There is a higher risk of infection, heavy bleeding, and damage to the uterus during these procedures. Because these are typically “blind abortions” the doctors are unable to see what they are doing, but rather, they feel around the uterus with the forceps for the baby. Because they are “blind” the risk of damage to the uterus is higher.
Each of these procedures puts potential mothers at risk for Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome, or PASS.
For more information on abortion risks you may not be aware of, or your options during pregnancy, contact us today. Additionally, you can schedule an appointment or look for an Align Pregnancy Services location near you.