Align Pregnancy Services Blog

Free Baby Comfort Station at Local Events

We are excited to share that we will be having a Free Baby Comfort Station at local area events in the...

Genuine Connection

Pregnancy is an unfamiliar place for many. It is a wonderous experience but can also be intimidating and confusing. There are...

Decluttering and Treasure Hunting: Post-abortion Support

I’m not sure how many years it’s all been accumulating, but I sure did manage to cram a lot of stuff...

Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy? Here’s Your First Step

I was 19 years old when I took my first pregnancy test. Scared, I looked down through teary eyes and saw...

Will You Accept the Invitation?

I’m not a New Year’s Resolution kind of girl, but I am a believer that with the new year, there comes...

5 Fun Fetal Development Facts

Pregnancy is such a special time, and when you look past the morning sickness, your ever-changing body, and the aches and...

Our Locations

Align Pregnancy Services is here to help. We have locations throughout Lancaster and Lebanon Counties.